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Daily Brand SERP ยป Product ยป Review Filter Pills Answer Popular Questions About Logitech M350

Review Filter Pills Answer Popular Questions About Logitech M350

Key Moments in episode 110 of the Daily Brand SERP series:

00:00 Brand SERP for Logitech M350
00:10 Thumbnails for Brand SERPs
00:38 Filtering user reviews on the knowledge panel
01:20 Where does Google pull these reviews from?
01:33 Practical tip: Manage reviews in review platforms

Review Filter Pills Answer Popular Questions About Logitech M350

When looking for a product, customers often have pain points from the previous brand they bought or the brand they are using right now. Consciously or unconsciously, they create an unorganized checklist in their mind. Sometimes a great product description will help organize this mental checklist. But not always.

Google helps its user with their mental checklist using reviews. How? Google extracts common questions, pain-points and benefits from customer reviews it finds on the web and creates filter pills in product Knowledge Panels. Logitech M350 is a great example of this.

Interestingly, the filter pills will address questions, pain-points and benefits the user has in their mental checklist, but it will also bring up points the user hadn’t thought about. Super-duper convenient and helpful!

Watch until the end ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kalicubeโ€™s #DailyBrandSERP  October 26th 2021 presented by the Brand SERP Guy, Jason Barnard.


Hi and welcome. I’m Jason Barnard. I’m the Brand SERP Guy and today, we’re looking at the Brand SERP for the Logitech Pebble M350, a product. So it’s a product Brand SERP, and it’s fairly typical. It’s got ads at the top. It’s a product, Google wants to make some money from this product that somebody is potentially going to buy.

Right at the top, we’ve got Logitech’s own page with some reviews and an image. Images all the way down this SERP, which is great. Generally, we tend to see them on mobile. Not so much on desktop, but desktop it appears to be that Google is putting them more and more. But that’s not the point today. The point today is over here on the right hand side.

If we look at these reviews, Google is giving us these little filter pills of different questions I might have about this product. So, it’s figuring out from the reviews, what are popular questions about this particular product. So reviews phenomenally important for your products and they are going to be more and more important.

Not only so that people want to buy them because you’ve got a 4.7 star review, but also because people will be able to find the questions, the answer to questions that they have and possibly even questions they didn’t know they had. And it’s important to note, that Google is pulling these reviews in from all over the web. Staples here, where is another one? We’ve got Best Buy.

We’ve got further down if I can find it, Office Depot. So Google is able to pull these reviews about this product from different sites. So you need to make sure that you manage as best you can, the reviews on all of these sites to make sure that your product looks as good as possible for your clients, but also informs Google as to what questions people are asking around this product so that it can help them get to the point of purchase for your product right there on the SERP.

And if you’re ranking number one, like Logitech are, you’re likely to make that sale. Thank you very much and I’ll see you soon.

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