Google LLC Knowledge Panel

Google LLC Knowledge Panel

00:00 Knowledge Panel for Google LLC 00:11 How to prove the claim for Google LLC’s Knowledge Panel Transcript: Hi, I’m Jason Barnard. I’m The Brand SERP Guy. And today we’re…

Knowledge Panel Subtitle Changes

Knowledge Panel Subtitle Changes

Multiple people have reported subtitle changes in their Knowledge Panel. Bill Slawski’s changed from “Consultant” to “Search Engine Technology” (Shurely Shome Mishtake, that should technologist, but hey !) And for…

Knowledge Graph Depth Changes

Knowledge Graph Depth Changes

I think something BIG just happened in Google-Knowledge-Graph-World. The depth of the Knowledge Graph seems to have changed… for the deeper. The last #knowledgegraph update on November 12th was 4…

Empty Knowledge Panels Appearing on Google

Google has been triggering Knowledge Panels that have no content – not even a name. These are not triggered on normal searches, just when searching with the kgmid :…