Foreseeing the Drastic Change in iPhone 13’s Brand SERP
Key Moments in episode 81 of the Daily Brand SERP series:
00:00 Brand SERP for iPhone 13
00:08 Brand SERP of a pre-release iPhone
00:39 iPhone 13’s Brand SERP in the next few months
01:05 Practical tip: Phenomenal change of Brand SERPs for products
Brand SERPs evolve over time. None evolves more than a product Brand SERP from announcement to launch. Which product around the world do you think will beat the drastic Brand SERP evolution of a newly launched iPhone? My bet is none!
In September 2021, Apple introduced their latest iPhone model which created a buzz online. Their brand advocates are lining up with great anticipation for the product release. The Brand SERP is currently dominated by videos of what to expect from this new iPhone, ads for pre-purchasing and pre-release official images… logical for a product that is not yet available.
But in this video, I look into how this Brand SERP will evolve in the months to come 😉 Watch until the end !
Kalicube’s #DailyBrandSERP September 27th 2021 presented by the Brand SERP Guy, Jason Barnard.
Hi, I’m Jason Barnard. I’m the Brand SERP Guy and today, we’re looking at the Brand SERP for the iPhone 13. Now I’d just like to point out today is Sunday the 19th of September, 2021 and Apple announced the release of the iPhone three or four days ago. So what we see here at the top are two commercial results, some ads for pre-ordering an iPhone 13, but after that, it’s purely informational with the top stories, the reviews, the FAQ’s, and some videos here to show me what I can expect.
Now that’s really informational because the product is not yet available. And if we look how much that’s gonna change over the next few months, all we need to do is look at the iPhone 12 and we see ads that the top. Ads just below. On the right-hand side, we have more ads within a knowledge panel. Then we have buy the iPhone, from Apple on the left-hand side.
And as we scroll down some shops and then right at the bottom here, we have another ad and then some related products. So what happens is over time, the SERP for this product from announcement to actually being on sale is phenomenal. And that a brand SERP can evolve over time and that Google will evolve and change and adapt a brand SERP according to current circumstances.
Thank you very much. I’ll see you soon..