Q&A Under a Bluelink: How Ruth’s Chris Little Details Matter for Google
Key Moments in episode 60 of the Daily Brand SERP series:
00:00 Brand SERP for Ruth’s Chris Steak House
00:10 Ruth’s Chris GMB reviews
00:26 OpenTable’s FAQ drop downs on SERP
01:08 From where did Google extracted the questions?
01:31 Practical tip: Every part of your page in a review site is important
In the context of Brand SERPs, Google sometimes shows us Q&As under a bluelink. The answers to common questions about a local business are examples of pieces of information Google thinks will be helpful, so it sometimes places them in very visible SERP real estate.
This example on Ruth’s Chris Brand SERP is from a restaurant reservation and review site. These seeming details about Ruth’s Chris mattered to Google, even though the information is right at the bottom of the webpage – a part of the site we might think that is likely less important. So strive to take care of every tiny detail about your brand on these super-important 3rd party websites 😉
Kalicube’s #DailyBrandSERP September 6th 2021 presented by the Brand SERP Guy, Jason Barnard.
Hi, I’m Jason Barnard. I’m the Brand SERP Guy and today, we’re looking at the Brand SERP for Ruth’s Chris, which is a steak house. A chain of steak houses in fact, in the US. It’s pretty high class, pretty expensive. But incredibly good, according to Google reviews, 936 reviews for an average of 4.6. That must be pretty good.
Next time I go to the US, I’m definitely going to try this out to see what it’s like. Now, on the left-hand side, they have top spot for the local restaurant, the page for the local restaurant on the main website, which is great. Then the main website with some menus. And as we scroll down, looks pretty good for a local Brand SERP. No problems here at all, but I want it to look at this here. The open table page, they’ve got some great reviews. In fact, they’ve got almost doubled the number of reviews here that they do on Google My Business. So, must be incredibly good, wonderful stuff, but they’ve got two questions. How is Ruth’s Chris steakhouse?
It’s very difficult to say. And his Ruth’s Chris Steak House, Indianapolis currently accepting reservations? And we can see here the answers directly on the SERP. Now, that in and of itself, isn’t very interesting, but it is interesting if we look at the page because to find those questions is not an easy task.
And if you remember in the context of this Brand SERP, they looked pretty important. They were very visible in Google, was showing the answers to them. But in fact, to find it on this page, I have to scroll all the way down to the bottom. So the lesson we’ve learned here is that something that doesn’t appear particularly important on the page itself can be lifted out of that page and placed on the Brand SERP in quite a visible manner. So be very wary of these seeming details on these review sites or any other third party site, that mentions your brand. Thank you for watching and I’ll see you very soon.