Thumbnail for Videos: Almost Done a Disney! Owning Brand SERP Bluelinks Entirely on Hallmark's Brand SERP
Daily Brand SERP ยป Corporation ยป Hallmark Has Almost Done a Disney! Owning Brand SERP Bluelinks Entirely

Hallmark Has Almost Done a Disney! Owning Brand SERP Bluelinks Entirely

Key Moments in episode 42 of the Daily Brand SERP series:

00:00 Brand SERP for Hallmark
00:05 What does do a Disney mean?
00:26 Hallmark is doing a Disney
00:49 Practical tip: How can Disney own all the bluelinks on their Brand SERP

Hallmark Has Almost Done a Disney! Owning Brand SERP Bluelinks Entirely

From the Kalicube Vocabulary:

A Disney /หˆdiznฤ“/ (noun) is a type of Brand SERP where the brand holds full control of all the blue links on the first page. Characterized by links from different domains owned by the same company. A derivation from the proper noun Walt Disney Company.

Now, Hallmark is almost doing a disney too! The good news is they can easily replace the two bluelinks that they don’t own in the first page with those that they own that are ranking on page 2! Let’s take a look at the rather large number of domains Hallmark owns in this video ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kalicubeโ€™s #DailyBrandSERP  August 19th 2021 presented by the Brand SERP Guy, Jason Barnard.


Hi, I am Jason Barnard. I’m the Brand SERP Guy and today we’re looking at the Brand SERP for Hallmark. Absolutely delightful Brand SERP and incredibly well-owned. They’ve almost done a Disney. Now, what does do a Disney mean?

It means that this bluelink is owned by them. This bluelink is owned by them. This bluelink is owned by them. This one isn’t, although it does represent them and this one isn’t, but this one is so they’ve almost done Disney, they’ve got 1, 2, 3, four… four bluelinks plus that top one and almost all of them are Hallmark and they could very easily do a Disney because this is them. This is them. This is [00:01:00] them, and this is them. So in fact, all they would need to do is push up a couple of these onto page one to replace the Wikipedia and the Facebook, and they would have done a Disney.

Thank you very much.

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