If your Knowledge Panels aren’t a key part of your Digital Search Strategy you’re doing it wrong
In this insightful video, Jason Barnard, The Brand SERP Guy and CEO and Founder of Kalicube, discusses the importance of showing up in search and Kalicube’s unique approach to SERPs. Jason explains the concept of the Knowledge Panel and highlights its critical role in search. He shares brilliant nuggets about what makes Brand Knowledge Panels so special and Kalicube’s 3-step Knowledge Panel process. And he takes an in-depth look at the value of Knowledge Panels in the era of Generative AI in Search. Watch the video right to the end.
Introducing the Topic and the Host, Jason Barnard (The Brand SERP), Who Is Also Known as The Knowledge Panel Guy
[00:00:00] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Hi and welcome. I’m Jason Barnard. I’m The Brand SERP Guy. Today’s video: If your Knowledge Panels aren’t the key part of your Digital Search Strategy, you’re doing it wrong. I call myself The Brand SERP Guy because I specialise in Brand SERPs, what appears when somebody googles your brand name or your personal name, your music group name, a film name, a music album name, a product name. That is a Brand SERP, that is my specialisation, and Kalicube is a company that I created to do this work.
[00:00:35] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Today I’m going to call myself The Knowledge Panel Guy because we’re going to focus more on the right hand side, which is the Knowledge Panel, than on the left hand side, which is recommendations, as we’ll see. John Mueller from Google calls me Mr. Knowledge Panel, which is absolutely delightful.
Looking at Jason Barnard’s Previous and Current Careers Through His Own Personal Brand SERP
[00:00:51] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): I’m currently living in Paris, up in France, as you can see here from my LinkedIn profile. You can immediately see where I live. So, as you can see, I’m starting to tell my story through my Brand SERP. I was a voice actor, a cartoon blue dog. You can see this from the IMDb entry and also from the songs in my Knowledge Panel. I used to be a punk folk musician. You can see there The Barking Dogs from my own website. Google has understood that I was in the group called The Barking Dogs.
[00:01:21] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): I also have a groovy podcast, and I do recommend it. It’s intelligent, interesting, and fun because I talk to people who are super interesting, super intelligent, and always fun. They’ve taught me so much over the years and I’m super happy. 250 episodes and counting, and I’ve learned more from them than I think anywhere else. I’m an author. I’ve written a book, The Fundamentals of Brand SERPs for Business. I’m an author on all these different platforms, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land. If you want to read more about the things that I talk about, go there or indeed to the Kalicube.com website.
[00:01:55] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Which brings me to CEO and founder of Kalicube. Our motto: take control of your brand narrative online and dominate the competition. Kalicube is a software company that’s also an agency. We help agencies manage brand on search for their clients, and we also manage brand on search for our clients directly using the Kalicube Pro platform.
Plan for Today: A Preview of the Topics to Be Discussed by Jason Barnard (The Brand SERP Guy)
[00:02:20] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Plan for today. How you show up in search is key, Kalicube’s approach to the SERP, facts versus recommendations, What is a Knowledge Panel? The Role of a Knowledge Panel in Search, Brand Knowledge Panels are Special, Kalicube’s 3-Step Knowledge Panel Process, aka how to trigger and manage Knowledge Panels, Knowledge Panels are the Key to Generative AI in Search. This is super, super important. And I’m super excited about this since February when Bing launched Chat on Bing, and now Google with Bard, Gemini, and there generative AI in search. Things are getting really interesting, very exciting for us at Kalicube. Focus on Knowledge Panels, and you have this covered, as we’ll see.
Optimising Your Brand on Search Through the Kalicube Process Based on Understanding, Credibility, and Deliverability
[00:03:14] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Before we start, when you optimise your brand on search, you get significant additional results. SEO performance is a bonus on top of controlling your narrative or brand narrative on Google. And the Kalicube Process is the system that we’ve created to do this, and there are huge results. It’s based on understanding. Does Google understand who you are, what you do, and which audience you serve? Credibility. Does it understand that you are a credible solution? Have you convinced it that you are the most credible solution in market?
[00:03:52] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Thirdly, deliverability. Do you have the content that it needs to deliver to its users? And do you have the content that you can deliver the results to its users when it sends them to your website? And can you indeed fulfill the need of its users? Its users are searching on Google because they’re looking for the solution to a problem. So, it’s looking for the best solution, the most efficient solution to that problem for the subset of its users who are your audience.
[00:04:24] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): So, it needs to understand who you are, what you do, which audience you serve. It needs to be convinced of your credibility. And it needs to be convinced also that you have a deliverable solution that will indeed satisfy the needs of the subset of its users who are your audience.
Kalicube on Controlling Their Brand Narrative on Google and Their Google Business Card
[00:04:44] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And these are the results. Not only at Kalicube have we controlled our brand narrative on Google, we’ve controlled our Google Business Card. So, when you search Kalicube on Google or indeed on Bing, you get the results that we want, the brand narrative that we want to convey to our audience. But as we’ve built that out, we’ve actually improved our overall digital marketing strategy, and we’ve improved our SEO.
The Kalicube Process initially was designed to control your brand narrative on Google. The SEO is a bonus.
Jason Barnard (The Brand SERP Guy)
[00:05:08] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And as you can see, year 2, after we started the implementation of the Kalicube Process on Kalicube, we are getting 330% growth year on year in terms of clicks and 200% growth in terms of visibility. And that is huge. And as I mentioned earlier, the Kalicube Process initially was designed to control your brand narrative on Google. The SEO is a bonus. What a huge, huge bonus that is.
It’s Not Just Where You Show Up, It’s How You Show Up
[00:05:40] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): So, we’ll start with it’s not just where you show up, it’s how you show up. This is hugely important. We used to just look at where do we appear? Are we number one in the list of Google’s recommendations to its users? And the answer is here. Amazon one, Zalando are number two, but the results are hugely unattractive. So, we traditionally want to rank number one, number two, but today it’s more about or as much about how you show up, what your brand looks like when you do show up, as it is about showing up at the top.
[00:06:15] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): As you can see here, Kalicube looks hugely impressive. The price for a Google Knowledge Panel, we have the underlined Kalicube there with extra information. We have a great meta title that’s showing correctly as we want it. We’ve got a great image. And we have taken care, we have paid attention to how Google represents us. So, across search, not only on our Brand SERP, people are seeing Kalicube and the Kalicube brand narrative as we choose.
Google’s Understanding of Who You Are, What You Offer, and Which Audience You Serve
[00:06:48] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): How it represents your brand depends on its understanding of who you are, what you offer, and which audience you serve. I say that a lot, but it’s hugely important because it’s the foundation of absolutely everything we are doing at Kalicube, but also what Google needs in order to be able to deliver your content to the subset of its users who are your audience.
[00:07:12] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And Google’s level of understanding of who you are, what you do, and which audience you serve, and its confidence in that understanding, which is hugely underestimated. Its level of understanding and its confidence in that understanding determines how it presents you across search.
[00:07:30] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Now, Google’s Knowledge Graph is obviously hugely important here. But at Kalicube, we have other insights and KPIs because the Knowledge Graph is one dimensional, it’s one single representation, a partial representation of Google’s understanding of the facts. So, not being in the Knowledge Graph right now is not a huge problem. In 5 years time, not being in the Knowledge Graph will be a huge problem, but it remains a partial measurement. We use different KPI, different measurements, including the Knowledge Graph of course.
Your Entire Brand SERP Is the KPI of Google’s Understanding of You or Your Brand
[00:08:03] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Fundamentally, your Brand SERP, the Google result for your brand name, is the KPI of Google’s level of understanding and who you are, what you offer, and which audience you serve. And if it’s accurate, positive, and convincing, then you’ve pretty much nailed it. It’s understood who you are, it understood what you are offering, and it’s understood who your audience are.
[00:08:24] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Because when it shows a Brand SERP, it’s showing what it thinks your audience will find valuable, helpful, and interesting. So, we use the Brand SERP as the KPI of Google’s level of understanding, and indeed the confidence in that level of understanding who you are, what you offer, which audience you serve, which is the foundation of everything to come.
[00:08:46] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): The entire Brand SERP is your KPI. It’s also your friend. It’s your helper and your guide. I like that phrase. Look at your Brand SERP. Does it show what you want? Does it show you on your best light? If it doesn’t, then it’s your friend. It’s showing you that you are miscommunicating. It’s your helper, because it shows you where you can improve. And it’s your guide, because it gives you the priorities that you need to focus on starting from top and moving downwards. But today, we’re going to focus on the Knowledge Panel over there on the right hand side.
Kalicube’s Approach to the SERP: Worked Yesterday, Works Today, and Already Works Tomorrow
[00:09:23] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Taking a step back, Kalicube’s Approach to the SERP, worked yesterday, works today, and it already works tomorrow. On the left hand side, Google is showing recommendations. It’s recommending what it thinks is the best answer. In the case of a Brand SERP, it’s recommending what it thinks is the most engaging, helpful content for your audience. On the right hand side, it’s showing the fact it’s understood. In the case of a Brand SERP, it’s showing the facts it’s understood about the company or the person.
[00:09:58] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): That immediately tells you that the measurement of Google’s understanding of the facts is the right hand side, and it’s understanding of your digital ecosystem and your digital strategy and your audience and their engagement with you is on the left hand side.
[00:10:12] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): But today, we can add generative AI to the mix. As you can see here, this Bing result, it’s bringing all of that together, the facts, the recommendation, and the generative AI that we’re starting to see. Both Google and Bing state that search is the jumping off point for users. Users will search and then they will choose whether they use the knowledge, the recommendations, or the generative AI. The gateway to Google and Bing is still search, and from what they say, they expect it always to be search.
The Kalicube Process and the Idea That We Can Educate AI Algorithms Like Children
[00:10:48] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): The Kalicube Process is based on the idea that we can educate these AI algorithms like children. As you can see here, we’ve got Kalibot, who’s the teacher, and Bingbot, who’s the child learning the facts for the Knowledge Panel and for its generative AI.
[00:11:05] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And here you can see when we ask it the Kalicube Process, it can accurately identify what the Kalicube Process is, break it down into its fundamental parts, gets the information from us because it trusts us and because we’re explaining clearly, as a teacher would to a child. And the tiny, tiny box of generative AI there shows that it understands who Kalicube is. And on the right hand side, we see that the Knowledge Panel on Google shows that Google understands the facts about Kalicube. That’s because we have explained, we have educated these AI algorithms like children.
[00:11:42] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And here we can see Bard, Google’s AI. They don’t show citations at the moment. We are now at May 2023. But what we did see is when we ask how much does a Knowledge Panel cost, it shows a specific price which is drawn from our page. It doesn’t cite us, but it’s using that fact. I’ll give you a little bit of time to look at that.
[00:12:03] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Then we look and we see that which company can get me a Knowledge Panel, it cites Kalicube. So, it’s using us as a source of information, but it’s also recommending us. It’s understood what we do, it’s understood what our pricing is, and it’s understood that we are a credible solution and that we can deliver. Understanding, credibility, deliverability.
What Is a Knowledge Panel?
[00:12:30] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): So, what is a Knowledge Panel? Really simply, fact in the right hand side on desktop on Google right now and on Bing indeed. It will increasingly become difficult to distinguish in that simple manner, facts on the right hand side, recommendations on the left hand side, because generative AI is going to appear on both. And the Knowledge Panel indeed is starting to appear on the left hand side more and more. So, that simple distinction today, 2023, may not be true in 2024 and beyond.
[00:13:02] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Importantly, one size does not fit all for Knowledge Panels. As you can see on mobile, it looks one way. Then we’ve got desktop over there on the right hand side, it looks very different. We have all the songs from the TV series in the middle. So, if it’s a music album, it will look like that.
[00:13:17] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): We have Kalicube Pro, our SaaS platform, displayed in one way and Kalicube the company over there on the right displayed in another. So, you have to be very careful of what you’re trying to build in terms of a Knowledge Panel. You need to base what you’re building on what Google is likely to show, which is based on industry, geo region, and entity type.
[00:13:41] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Importantly, before we carry on, the recommendation side, the left hand side on desktop, it now relies increasingly on understanding. And the Knowledge Panel is the visible measure of that understanding, so it’s a simple KPI.
Recommendations Are Increasingly Based on Understanding and Topical Association
[00:13:55] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Recommendations on the left hand side are increasingly based on understanding and topical association. And I got this example the other day, where it’s very clearly showing the related searches. On the left hand side for Kalicube are the offers, and the related searches on the right hand side are the topics and the audience that we can serve. It’s not always that well defined and distinguished, but certainly the related searches is a great way to understand to what extent Google’s understood your topics, your audiences, and indeed your offers.
Generative AI, knowledge, and recommendations are increasingly interdependent and intertwined.
Jason Barnard (The Brand SERP Guy)
[00:14:30] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And I really want to push on this point. Generative AI, knowledge, and recommendations are increasingly interdependent and intertwined. As you can see, they’re mixing up within the SERP. They’re going to be less and less distinguishable between each other. But knowledge drives recommendations, knowledge drives generative AI.
[00:14:52] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): But indeed, recommendations help with knowledge in the terms of if Google’s understood what it can recommend, that’s going to help its knowledge, which is going to drive the generative AI, which also includes recommendations. As you can see, I’m getting mixed up. And it shows just how much these three are interdependent and will not be distinguishable as we move forwards.
What Is the Role of a Knowledge Panel in a SERP?
[00:15:16] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Within the context of what we’re discussing today, what the role of a Knowledge Panel is in a SERP is hugely important because it also helps us with the generative AI and indeed the recommendations. A Knowledge Panel is simply a summary of the information behind the search results.
[00:15:34] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): The idea of the Knowledge Panel is that it allows the user to immediately understand the basic facts, the important facts, the interesting information about the entity without having to go to multiple websites to find that information and compile it themselves. So, it’s a summary of the information behind the search results designed to save the user time and effort.
[00:15:58] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Bing Chat is the same. When you ask something on Bing Chat, it searches for that, it brings up the search results, it summarises them and gives you the summary of that. And Google is the same. When they presented this at Google I/O the other week, the first thing I thought here is this is great news for Kalicube because that looks very much like Dynamic Knowledge Panel.
[00:16:35] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Bing Chat and Google’s generative AI are Dynamic Knowledge Panels. They’re simply building a summary of what you need to know, what they feel is interesting to know about a topic, an entity, or a question by building these Dynamic Knowledge Panels.
What Do Knowledge Panels Represent for Businesses and Brands?
[00:16:57] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Now for businesses, your brand’s Knowledge Panel is Google’s summary of its understanding of your company, your offers, and which subset of its users you can usefully serve. And that is a huge insight that you’re probably not paying enough attention to. That Knowledge Panel represents Google and Bing’s level of understanding about you.
[00:17:20] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): IBM over there on the left hand side, a lot more understanding. In the middle there, we have Kalicube, WordLift, a little bit less understanding. Perceptive Fittings Limited, tiny bit of understanding. And over there on the right, no understanding. About 50% of companies are in the state of no understanding, no concrete understanding, right over there on the right. And that’s a huge, huge, huge miss.
[00:17:46] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Perceptive Fittings Limited have a tiny bit of understanding. It won’t appear on their Brand SERP, but that Knowledge Panel exists somewhere in Google’s brain. Now, that’s important because it has understanding, but it doesn’t have enough confidence in that understanding. And it doesn’t have enough understanding of sufficient numbers of pieces of information for it to want to show that on the Brand SERP.
[00:18:11] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): So, if you search your brand name and you don’t see a Knowledge Panel, that doesn’t mean to say that one doesn’t exist. And if you look up online how to find a KGMID, I share six or seven techniques for finding KGMIDs so that you can find your Knowledge Panel and build on the Knowledge Panel that exists and get it to trigger on your Brand SERP. Please look on Kalicube.com for more information about that. But as you can see here, that difference in understanding and confidence in understanding is hugely visible across these different Knowledge Panels.
Remembering How You Show Up: The Most Important Aspect of Your Search Strategy
[00:18:44] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Now, do you remember how you show up? That just became the most important aspect of your search strategy. The traditional digital search strategy of where you show up now relies on the understanding that drives how you show up.
[00:19:03] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And when these machines don’t understand who you are, what solutions you offer, and which subset of its users are your audience in a world where search, answer, and assistive engines cohabit, you’ve lost the game. If these machines don’t understand who you are, which solutions you offer, which subset of its users are your audience with search, answer, and assistive engines, you have lost the game.
[00:19:36] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Now, what you can do. You can build understanding, and you can take control. Understanding starts with your go-to place that Google, Microsoft, and other machines trust. John Mueller calls this reconciliation and talks about linking to one single owned webpage. At Kalicube, we call this the Entity Home. So, Google reconciles information, factual information about your entity around your Entity Home on one single owned webpage.
The Three Simple Steps to Take Control: Entity Home, Corroboration, and Signposting
[00:20:09] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And there are three simple steps to take control. Every entity needs a home, one single webpage. As you can see on the top left there, domain.com/about/company would be the company Entity Home, domain.com/about/person would be a person’s Entity Home on that company website.
[00:20:30] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): If you can use Schema Markup down at the bottom, you use About Page which is about a corporation, an About Page which is about a person, really simple, really well structured. And you need to describe clearly on this page, on a site you control and own, once again, who you are, what you do, which audience you serve.
[00:20:51] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And on that page, you also need to provide context, the preferred images, and proof of credibility. So, that Entity Home is hugely important. It gives Google your perspective, your version of the facts, your version of the story, and your justification.
Correcting, Adding, and Improving Corroboration on Multiple Independent, Authoritative Third Party Websites
[00:21:07] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): But obviously, it doesn’t just believe you on your own good word. You need to correct, add, and improve corroboration on multiple independent, authoritative third party sources. We call this the cumulation of corroboration. And the Kalicube Pro database contains a list of over 40,000 trusted sources. And Kalicube is indeed a trusted source itself.
[00:21:34] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): We have a free list. It’s got about 360 trusted sources. That’s great. That’s great for building entities one by one. If you’re just doing one entity, that’s going to be fine. If you’re doing this at scale, if you’re an agency, those 40,000 trusted sources are going to make all the difference. They make the process of building a Knowledge Panel no longer a question of if we can build a Knowledge Panel, but how long it takes us.
Signposting and Creating an Infinite Self-Confirming Loop of Corroboration on Your Entity Home
[00:22:01] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Then from the Entity Home, you need to signpost and create an infinite self confirming loop of corroboration. And as you can see here from the Entity Home, we’ve linked out to Crunchbase, TechCrunch, Google Books, Kalicube Pro, Wikipedia, Wikidata, IMDb, Biography.
[00:22:19] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): We need to link to authoritative, trusted sources. Those trusted sources need to confirm exactly what we’ve said on the Entity Home. The Googlebot goes from the Entity Home to the trusted source, sees the same information, comes back, sees the same information, goes to the next trusted source, sees the same information, comes back, so on and so forth. In this repetition, pure repetition, over and over of the same message that corroborates exactly what you said on your Entity Home.
Using Schema Markup or Links to Make Sure Your Entity Home Becomes the Reference for You That Google Trusts
[00:22:48] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And over there on the right, I’ve put the little link icon and the Schema Markup JSON-LD logo. Importantly, you don’t need Schema Markup. It’s hugely helpful. So, if you can do it, add it. And it’s not very complicated to do. And on Kalicube Pro, there is a generator of Schema Markup for corporations and people that will allow you to do the simple Schema Markup that will set that up properly.
[00:23:18] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): But if you can’t do it, just links is enough because all you’re doing is signposting, in this particular case with Schema Markup, sameAs, signposting, all of these different corroborations. And you can do the same thing with links. I would advise you to do both if it’s possible. But once again, if you’re not a geek, if Schema Markup scares you, just links is enough, and we have clients who have managed to do it that way.
[00:23:46] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Ideally, the Entity Home then becomes the reference for you that Google trusts. And it will cite your Entity Home description in your Knowledge Panel. You have full control of the factual description that Google provides to its users when they google your name. Only 1% of company Knowledge Panels cite the brand’s own site. And for me, that is an absolutely huge miss by 99% of companies in the world.
Generative AI in Search and Why Managing Knowledge Is Your Only Hope
[00:24:21] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Now, generative AI in search and why managing knowledge is your only hope. What we as users expect to see in a Knowledge Panel is what we see here on the left. Very few links to webpages in this Knowledge Panel. We expect to see a summary of information that’s useful. Some images, a description, couple of links, links through to other information, but most of those links indeed go to other Knowledge Panels, additional information on the SERP in Google.
[00:24:57] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And as you can see from the screenshot of Google I/O, there are a lot of similarities. We have knowledge cards, we have a summary description, we have additional questions. So, this idea of generative AI is to summarize it to bring to you the important information about the entity, the question, or the subject that’s going to help you avoid having to go to multiple sites to bring it all together yourself. It’s a time saver. It’s efficient. It’s bringing Google’s user to the solution to their problem or the answer to their question as efficiently as possible.
[00:25:37] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Once again, Google and Bing insists that search is still the jumping off point for users, and that is how it all fits together. And I think this screenshot deserves to be seen multiple times because you see how they’re presenting it, how they’re keeping search alive, how they’re going to make sure that we all go through search to get to the generative AI and the knowledge.
The Ultimate Aim for You or Your Brand Is Control
[00:25:58] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And the ultimate aim for you is control. You want to control your entity through your Entity Home. And here you can see the little world icon, Jasonbarnard.com. That’s my Entity Home, and this is how I control the knowledge that Google has about me. And you’ll be surprised how much of that knowledge is represented in the Knowledge Panel.
[00:26:24] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Jason Barnard is an author. We have some videos that we could look at for Jason Barnard. We have all of this, my age, my TV show, a video that you could watch directly, and a description from my own website. We have a description here as well on the About, on the number three from the Entity Home itself.
[00:26:49] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Next, we have these pieces of information, born, TV shows, partner, parents, music group, albums. That could potentially be longer, but there’s a limit to the amount of information Google wants to provide. Even if it knows more than that, it won’t show it if it doesn’t think it’s going to be helpful and valuable to the user, if it doesn’t think the user is particularly interested.
[00:27:11] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): My social profiles. People Also Search For, who does Google associate me with? Which cohort of people does Google think I belong to? And apparently, I belong to a cohort of super SEO professionals who are also entrepreneurs. And then my songs, it could be anything. It could be books too. It depends what you’ve produced, what content Google has understood you too have produced.
I can control multiple different aspects of my representation of myself on Google as facts. And that foundation, as you can see, builds up its understanding of me.
Jason Barnard (The Brand SERP Guy)
[00:27:41] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): So, as you can see, I can control multiple different aspects of my representation of myself on Google as facts. And that foundation, as you can see, builds up its understanding of me. And that drives not only the Knowledge Panel, it drives recommendations and it drives generative AI.
Thing That You Want to Retain in Your Brain According to Jason Barnard (The Brand SERP Guy)
[00:28:02] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): So, a quick reminder, things that you want to retain in your brain. Without understanding, you have no hope. Google and Microsoft are building search and answer engines based on understanding that drive their recommendations. Your Knowledge Panel is a reflection of their understanding. An information rich Knowledge Panel is the KPI for understanding.
[00:28:32] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Google’s generative AI and Bing’s co-pilot are simply dynamic Knowledge Panels. So, if you can manage a Knowledge Panel, you can manage Google’s generative AI and Bing’s Chat co-pilot. Managing Knowledge Panels is a simple 3-step process.
[00:28:49] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Go to Kalicube.com if you want more information about that. There is lots and lots of detail, hundreds of articles, and so much for you to learn there. And we even have a 17-point Knowledge Panel checklist that makes that 3-step process more complex in the sense that there are more steps, but more complete and more absolute and absolutely works every time.
[00:29:13] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Create a strategy that masters traditional search alongside Bing’s Chat co-pilot, Google’s generative AI in search, and even future assistive engines. The Kalicube Process of managing knowledge to manage recommendations and generative AI is future proof. And you can easily turn generative AI in search from a threat to an opportunity. Knowledge is power. Take control. Thank you very much.