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Talks and Interviews with The Brand SERP Guy » Personal Branding » Jason Barnard On Brand SEO, The SEO Industry And Entrepreneurship

Jason Barnard On Brand SEO, The SEO Industry And Entrepreneurship

Jason Barnard (The Brand SERP Guy) is an entrepreneur and CEO of Kalicube. Jason specialises in Online Brand Management and his superhero skill is his ability to influence and reshape Google’s focus on an individual or a company. This isn’t just optimization; it’s a strategic manipulation of digital perceptions. He’s been working on Google since the year it was incorporated, and he has been successfully manipulating Google from day one. Literally. How many people do you personally know who can say that!

Jason has founded multiple companies, including Kalicube in France in 2015, WTPL Music in France in 1991, and UpToTen in Mauritius in 2000. Jason was also CEO of UpToTen from 2000 to 2011 and was CEO of WTPL Music from 1991 to 1999.

Jason’s first book, “The Fundamentals of Brand SERPs for Business”, was published in January 2022. Jason regularly contributes articles to leading digital marketing publications such as Search Engine Journal and Search Engine Land. Jason writes for businesses in the digital marketing industry, including Wordlift, SE Ranking, SEMrush, Search Engine Watch, Searchmetrics, and Trustpilot.

Exploring Brand Visibility and SERPs with Kalicube’s CEO and Founder, Jason Barnard

[00:00:15] Narrator: You’re listening to Entrepreneur’s Enigma, a podcast about the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial journey. Every week, your host, Seth Goldstein, interviews entrepreneurs from all walks of life about their entrepreneurial journeys from store owners to Fortune 500 CEOs. We all have stories to tell, so sit back and join us for the next 20 or so minutes while we explore the entrepreneurial world.

[00:00:49] Seth Goldstein: Hey, everybody. Welcome to another edition of the Entrepreneur’s Enigma podcast. I am, as always, your host, Seth. Today, I have a buddy of mine, Jason Barnard. It’s Barnard, right? Barnard, yeah. Is that right?

[00:01:05] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah, that’s exactly it.

[00:01:05] Seth Goldstein: Barnard. I got it.

[00:01:05] Seth Goldstein: I got it. He is also The Brand SERP Guy. He has the hashtag The Brand SERP Guy, because guess what? He talks about how to get your brand in the SERP. What a concept. He is the chief bottle washer at Kalicube. And it’s kalicube.com, right?

[00:01:23] Jason Barnard: Yep. That’s exactly it.

[00:01:24] Seth Goldstein: Kalicube with a K. So K-A-L-I-C-U-B-E .com. He has a fantastic newsletter, which I subscribe to, is marvelous. Absolutely marvelous. He’s got a big PDF download as well where you can. It’s free. It’s free. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t go get it.

The Kalicube Process – A Comprehensive and Future-Proof Digital Marketing Strategy

[00:01:43] Seth Goldstein: It’s, I think, he said right before the show, it’s like a 70 plus page document on how to implement Brand SERP and the Kalicube method, which is insane that it’s free. Come on, dude. What’s it doing? What’s it doing for free, buddy? Come on, man.

[00:01:57] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Right. I’ll tell you exactly why. Because the Kalicube Process is the process that I invented. And it’s a universal approach to Digital Marketing for any person or any corporation that works every time. And it’s future proof.

[00:02:12] Seth Goldstein: Future proof. Yeah.

[00:02:12] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah. Well, it’s universal and it’s future proof. So I figured that everybody needs it. We can’t serve everybody in the world, so we give it away for free. And anybody who feels that this is really, really important to their business or their personal brand and understands that we’ll do it faster, we’ll do it more reliably. We use data to do it. 2 billion data points. And we’ll save them headspace and time and avoid them making the mistakes that people inevitably make.

[00:02:40] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Get us to do it for you. We don’t need a billion clients.

[00:02:43] Seth Goldstein: No, you can’t handle.

[00:02:44] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): We only need 100.

[00:02:45] Seth Goldstein: Exactly. You can help the people who really need you and then help everyone else out, which is nice. And plus, get them on your newsletter. So that’s kind of key.

[00:02:53] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah. It’s all smart marketing.

[00:02:55] Seth Goldstein: It’s all smart marketing. Smart marketing. And smart as it, you know the acronym smart marketing as well.

[00:03:02] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Oh, yeah, that’s true.

Jason Barnard’s Entrepreneurial Journey from Punk Folk to Digital Marketing

[00:03:03] Seth Goldstein: Exactly. I was thinking outside the box. So, Jason, how did you get started in this whole realm? I mean, everyone in this, in the SEO community has heard of you. Your name kind of is SEO, especially The Brand SERP side of things. It’s kind of, when you say Brand SERP, it’s, you know, it’s Jason. Jason’s the guy. How does this all get started? Have you always been an entrepreneur or how does that work?

[00:03:24] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Right. Well, and first of all, the SERP, S-E-R-P is search engine results page. So that comes from the SEO background. But I’m now a digital marketer, and I help people with their personal brand and their corporate brand online. And as you said, it gives you brand visibility across all the different platforms, including search. But I come from search, but I’m not a search guy anymore. I’m a marketing…

[00:03:48] Seth Goldstein: You’re recovering.

Starts with Economics and Moves to Punk Folk Music

[00:03:50] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah, recovering SEO. But I got into SEO through multiple stages. I started off with an Economics degree.

[00:04:00] Seth Goldstein: That can be helpful. I can see that. Yeah.

[00:04:03] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Then, as many people do from an Economics degree, segued into punk folk music, and I became a professional punk folk musician.

[00:04:12] Seth Goldstein: Oh, punk folk. Wow, that’s interesting. Punk done on acoustic, pretty much?

[00:04:17] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah, you got it. Nailed it. And that’s where my entrepreneurial journey started, because we had the group, we were playing in the street. We wanted to make an album. We wanted to really…

[00:04:26] Seth Goldstein: You were buskers.

Starting a Record Company

[00:04:27] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah, but then we wanted to go pro. We wanted to play in front of stadiums full of people. And I created a record company in order to release our first record. So that was my first entrepreneurial step, and I created a record company, recorded the record, paid for the record, distributed the record, and we sold, in total, 40,000 albums over six years.

[00:04:46] Seth Goldstein: It’s not a lot, but it’s a lot. When it’s your own company and you don’t have Universal Music group behind it, that’s a crapload. Yeah, but if you’re looking at Universal Music Group, that’s a modest amount. But still, 40,000 over six years, that’s, 40,000 is a lot. That’s not nothing.

[00:05:04] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Well, I mean, as a band, if we’d been signed to a major album, major label, we’d have been getting $0.50 or dollar per sale.

[00:05:13] Seth Goldstein: We’re gonna take a quick break, hear from our sponsors, and get right back to the show.

[00:05:17] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): We got, out of the $15 CD, we got $13. So thank you very much.

[00:05:26] Seth Goldstein: Bravo. Bravo. That’s how you do it.

[00:05:28] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): That’s entrepreneurship.

[00:05:30] Seth Goldstein: Entrepreneurship is how you can get the most out of what you’re doing. So you’re not, you know, someone else take all the money and you just get, you know, $0.50 on a dollar, which is…

[00:05:38] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yes.

[00:05:39] Seth Goldstein: Or the pound or the euro or whatever denomination of currency we’re talking about, because you’re a Brit in France. So go figure.

[00:05:47] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Go figure. Exactly. And the interesting thing there is I no longer have the company. I sold it to my business partner who came in afterwards. And it’s still going strong. It’s 30, yeah, 33 years. Still going strong, still profitable.

[00:06:02] Seth Goldstein: You can look at your baby all grown up. It’s awesome.

Expands into Children’s Entertainment

[00:06:04] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): It is lovely, isn’t it? And then I segued into children’s entertainment and I made TV series, websites, games for kids, multimedia content for kids. That company we started in the year 2000. Exactly. And it’s still going strong, still profitable 24 years later. But I don’t own it anymore. So then I moved on to Kalicube. And Kalicube is all about brand online, maximizing the value and the benefit that what your brand brings you online in communicating correctly and across the right platforms to the right people at the right time, you can make a very, very, very solid business online.

Builds Kalicube and Shifts to Digital Brand Marketing

[00:06:52] Seth Goldstein: But there’s a red thread through your whole journey, if you think about it, because it’s all been marketing. It’s all been branding, it’s all been your personal brand. And there’s a red thread through the whole thing.

[00:07:03] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): The red thread, which is the red threads. I’m wearing the red shirt.

[00:07:07] Seth Goldstein: For those who are listening, he’s wearing a red shirt. For those who are watching, you can see the red shirt. So there you go.

[00:07:11] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Brilliant. Yeah. And it’s interesting that you should say that because for me, I was doing music and I was doing cartoons and I was really focused on the creativity and what I was doing as opposed to the business side or the marketing side. But in fact, with Kalicube now, it’s business, marketing, and doing in that order, whereas up until now, it’s been doing things, marketing and business.

Continues Growing with Kalicube

[00:07:36] Seth Goldstein: But it’s all, you know, you know what you’re good at and you hire for the rest. You know, you build something. You’re like, I’m done with this. Instead of just closing it down, you sell it off or you hand it over to your partner and you say, keep running with it, and you have two babies out in the world that are still rocking and rolling. No pun, pun kind of intended, I guess. So, punk rocking out in the real world, you can look and say, hey, I started that.

[00:08:00] Seth Goldstein: That’s kind of cool. And look at them still going strong. It’s like your babies are grown up.

[00:08:05] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah, I get this. I didn’t really realize it. I didn’t really think about the fact that I was an entrepreneur and that these companies have been going 66 years, cumulatively, profit-based companies making a profit. 66 years, and I did it. And then, as you said, I love. Yeah, thank you very much. And, well, I left my babies with other people who are now managing them and doing absolutely fine. And now, Kalicube’s my baby, and I’m…

[00:08:32] Seth Goldstein: How long have you been doing Kalicube for?

[00:08:33] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Nine years now.

[00:08:35] Seth Goldstein: There is a good run. Clearly, you’re on to something there.

[00:08:39] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yep. Well, I think, looking back over my career, every single one of these projects has taken eight or nine years to take off.

[00:08:47] Seth Goldstein: Yeah, it’s an overnight, it’s a ten-year overnight success, that kind of thing.

[00:08:50] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah. Well, this time I’m going to hang on. This time, I don’t have a business partner. It’s just me and my team, 22 people now in the Philippines, nice big team. And I’ve learned that this is a business. I’m running a business, and as a CEO of a company, I need to delegate to the leadership team. The leadership team know what they’re supposed to do. I get out of the way and they do the work. And I’m here.

[00:09:15] Seth Goldstein: You’re more biz dev, more the face of the company, more like, you know, Jason. Being Jason, essentially, you’re Jason. You’re The Brand SERP Guy.

[00:09:23] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah, easiest job in the world.

[00:09:25] Seth Goldstein: Yeah, you personal brand yourself, which is kind of key.

Leveraging Personal Branding and the Kalicube Process for Startup Success

[00:09:30] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Which brings me on to a nice kind of topic. I was thinking about it the other day, and in fact, I think we’ve just invented the solution to startups.

[00:09:36] Seth Goldstein: Yeah.

[00:09:37] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And it’s all the Kalicube Process. What the Kalicube Process does is promote a brand using brand marketing and SEO in that order. And what I’ve realized is with Kalicube, I’ve built up my personal brand to the point at which my personal brand drives 80% of the sales.

[00:09:54] Seth Goldstein: Bravo.

[00:09:55] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Thank you. But my problem now as a startup is if I want to sell the startup and move on, I can’t sell it because it’s me. But what the Kalicube Process can do is then build up the corporate brand to dominate and pull my focus away from me as the business leader at Kalicube, to reduce that and flip it from 80-20, my brand selling to 80-20, the corporate brand selling, then I can exit. That’s brilliant.

Balancing Personal and Corporate Branding for Long-Term Business Growth

[00:10:22] Seth Goldstein: At some point, yeah, at some point. You said you’re going to hold on for a little while, so I’m going to hold you to that.

[00:10:29] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah. No, no, no. I’m actually going to stick around with Kalicube because I really love it and the leadership team is amazing and kind of building it as a group project, which we all really enjoyed.

[00:10:39] Seth Goldstein: That’s fun, that’s fun.

[00:10:41] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah. But I think kind of from a startup perspective, we talk to investors who say, well, one of the problems with building up a personal brand, which is what we principally sell, is how do you build up the personal brand of a CEO or a founder of a corporation? They say, well, the problem if we build that up too much, then we can’t sell the company for as much money because the person will then leave the company and the value of that person for the company is too high. But then if I say to them, what we can do is kickstart with the personal brand and then defocus everything away from the personal brand and towards the corporate brand, then you’ve got something you can sell. So we can kick start with a personal brand. We don’t have to stick with it over time because we control how the world perceives you and your corporation.

[00:11:24] Seth Goldstein: See, always thinking, buddy, always thinking. So, in your mind, since you’ve been an entrepreneur, even though you haven’t known it for this long.

[00:11:31] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah.

Embracing Freedom and Mastering Delegation as an Entrepreneur

[00:11:32] Seth Goldstein: What’s the best thing about being an entrepreneur in your mind?

[00:11:34] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Freedom.

[00:11:36] Seth Goldstein: Absolutely. Didn’t even skip a beat.

[00:11:38] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Nope, freedom.

[00:11:40] Seth Goldstein: You can be in the south of France, rocking and rolling, you know, and having the best old time.

[00:11:46] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah, well, I live in the south of France, I travel a lot. I get to decide whether I travel where I travel. I get to decide where I’m going to live. I have a team who work for me and with me, and this is the new thing for me as an entrepreneur is I used to do it all myself and now I’ve learnt the value of delegating and I’ve learned the way to delegate. And delegating is so hard. Sorry.

Entrepreneurs Learn to Let Go and Trust Their Team

[00:12:12] Seth Goldstein: Oh, it’s very hard. It’s very hard to do. And it’s kind of the key is realizing that sometimes you just gotta take a step back and if things blow up, you fix them, you adjust, you fix them, you adjust, you fix them, you adjust, and this is how you gotta do it.

[00:12:25] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah. And I think as an entrepreneur, you kind of think, well, I can do all of this, so why would I give it to anybody else. Why trust other people and understanding that you need to trust other people, that you need to step back and let them get on with it and they will mess it up sometimes. And that’s part and parcel of the deal. And actually doing it, fooling it and believing it and feel comfortable with it. It’s the feeling comfortable with it that’s so hard to master. Because if you don’t feel comfortable with it, you’re always thinking and always worried and stressed. And once you’re comfortable delegating truly to your leadership team, life becomes a super breeze.

[00:12:58] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): It’s wonderful.

Thinking About Future Challenges and Preparing the Team for What’s Next

[00:12:59] Seth Goldstein: That’s awesome. But what keeps you up at night, especially with the business.

[00:13:05] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Less and less, actually. Not much, less and less. As the team step up and take over, my job is to get out of their way and just give them the big ideas, the big lines. Stuff that keeps me up at night is less to do with. And that’s it. Sorry. What keeps me up at night today is how do I solve the problems that everybody’s going to have in five years time and keep the company way ahead of the field. So, in terms of Digital Marketing, we’ve solved it today. What’s going to happen in five years time? How can we prepare ourselves?

Future Proof Your Strategy with the Kalicube Process

[00:13:40] Seth Goldstein: What’s going to happen tomorrow? I mean, seriously, I mean, we’re talking about five years. I mean, you used to say five years out. Oh, God, that’s really close. No, now things are happening every week. Google’s going crazy with their algorithm changes and it’s just like, oh, my God, guys, calm down, calm down.

[00:14:00] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Well, that’s the beautiful thing about when I say future proof, is Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Apple, Bing, ChatGPT, they all function the same way now, and they will not change fundamentally how they function. And the Kalicube Process is and always has worked on understandability, deliverability and credibility. And the point here is the machines need to understand who you are, what you do, which audience you serve, believe that you’re a credible solution for their audience, for their users, and have the deliverable content from you that allows them to present you to their users. And that process is a, universal across all these different machines, and b, a timeless future proof, because they will not fundamentally change the way they all work.

Passports Remain the Ultimate Travel Essential

[00:14:49] Seth Goldstein: Love it, love it, love it, love it, love it. And so what is the most important thing to carry with you all the time, besides a guitar?

[00:14:57] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Well, when I was in the band and we traveled around Europe playing gigs, I always walked out the house thinking, did I forget my passport? The only thing that you have to have when you’re traveling is the passport. Everything else is replaceable. So passport. Not every time you travel, but if you’re traveling internationally. Passport. Passport. Passport. Passport.

[00:15:18] Seth Goldstein: And now, in Europe, you don’t have to do it anymore. I mean, I think because of Brexit, you have to because England. But other than that, yeah.

[00:15:26] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah, that’s complicated a little bit. But I’m now French and British, so I’ve got the French passport and the British passport.

[00:15:32] Seth Goldstein: Aren’t you fancy?

[00:15:33] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): I am.

[00:15:34] Seth Goldstein: When you go home, you can use the British passport and get back. When you go back, you can use a French passport and get back into EU.

[00:15:40] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yep, exactly. You’ve absolutely nailed it. It’s really easy for me.

[00:15:44] Seth Goldstein: Smart man. Smart man. I got the US passport, which is terrifying. So we’ll leave it at that.

Embrace Your Personal Brand and Stand Out in Every Engagement

[00:15:48] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Oh, right. So, yeah, I don’t know. In terms of every day, for me, I should never go out professionally without the red shirt. And I spent ten years making sure that I wear the red shirt every time I appear in public for any professional engagement, like this one.

[00:16:07] Seth Goldstein: Like, Steve Jobs always wore the black turtleneck. I mean, whether or not that was meant to be a, I mean, knowing him, it was meant to be a brand push. It was clear, personal brand thing. I think it started off that he just thought they were comfortable.

[00:16:18] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah. Well, I can tell you now, red shirts aren’t comfortable.

[00:16:21] Seth Goldstein: No, collared shirts are not comfortable. They’re not but they’re not. They’re not not comfortable. They’re just not the most comfortable out there. You know, it’s, a t-shirt’s better, but, you know.

[00:16:31] Seth Goldstein: Yeah, you got your brand, you got to go with it. Like, I always walk around like Goldstein me shirt on. You know, and, you know, everyone, I don’t. I have a name badge I put on instead. You know, and that kind of thing. I’m always branding something because you got, you know, and it’s the thing about Goldstein me. Goldstein me is me. I’m Goldstein media, and it’s just, you know, and it’s one of the things is, like, my… I’ve never intended on ever selling Goldstein me.

[00:16:54] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Right.

Discover the Kalicube Process and Access Essential Guides for Success

[00:16:55] Seth Goldstein: But you never know in the future. So, that’s when you, that’s when you need to do the Kalicube Process.

[00:17:02] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Exactly.

[00:17:03] Seth Goldstein: Get that PDF. Sign up for the newsletter.

[00:17:09] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): That’s kalicube.com. K-A-L-I-C-U-B-E .com/guides. And if you go to G-U-I-D-E-S, it will give you a page where guides we’ve got. One of which is the Kalicube Process. Another is how to get a Knowledge Panel. There is how to write content. Another is how to survive in the world of AI, ChatGPT, Google, Gemini, Bing Copilot.

[00:17:31] Seth Goldstein: Glue and don’t jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. Those are two things you do and you’ll survive the AI if you just don’t listen to it all the time. If it sounds stupid, it probably is stupid. So don’t put Elmer’s Glue on your pizza. Don’t. Just don’t. It may not be toxic, but, you know, don’t do it.

Jason Barnard Shares How Excitement Fuels Creativity and Keeps You Awake

[00:17:47] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): If we can come back a wee step. I’ve just realized, or I’ve just remembered or thought of the answer to what keeps me up at night and what keeps me up at night now is the same thing that kept me up at night when I was doing the cartoons for kids and the same thing that kept me up at night when I was a musician in the punk folk band. And that is being over excited about what I’m going to do the next day because I love it so much.

[00:18:12] Seth Goldstein: That’ll keep you up and that will keep you up. I won’t get on to the next day. I won’t get on the next day. Sleep is overrated. I won’t go back. I’ll keep working on, keep working.

[00:18:19] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): It’s like being a kid. You’re always excited about the next day because it’s going to be so much fun.

Discover Where to Connect with Jason Barnard Online

[00:18:24] Seth Goldstein: I love it. That’s the way it would be. So, Jason, where’s your hangout online? Like where do you hang out the most?

[00:18:29] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Well, in fact, if you want to hang out with me, you can search my name on Google. Jason Barnard J-A-S-O-N B-A-R-N-A-R-D and the Brand SERP, the search engine results page for my name gives you the choice of how you want to engage with me. So you can choose my personal website, my corporate website if you want to work with us. LinkedIn, if you want to hang out on LinkedIn. Look at what I post on LinkedIn, the list of articles if you want to research more about what I’m talking about, videos of me talking about the Kalicube Process, about managing brand online.

Build Your Personal Brand by Engaging Authentically with Your Audience

[00:19:01] Seth Goldstein: That’s how you do it, folks. That’s how you do it. Go to my Google, Google me.

[00:19:06] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): And that’s the point is when you can get to the point where live on air, I can say, just Google me and you’ll find me and you’ll know exactly how you can engage with me. That’s great personal brand management.

[00:19:16] Seth Goldstein: Bravo, bravo.

[00:19:21] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): I like…

[00:19:21] Seth Goldstein: It’s not. You’re not just selling it, you’re proving it works.

[00:19:24] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yeah, walking the walk. But that’s what we tell our clients. That’s also how you beat the algorithms. You beat the algorithms by walking the walk with your audience, engaging with them in a manner that makes sense to them, that solves their problems in the right places. And the machines will see it and emulate, replicate what you’re doing with your human audience. It’s really simple.

Keep Things Simple By Focusing on Understandability, Credibility, and Deliverability

[00:19:47] Seth Goldstein: It is. And people overthink it way too much.

[00:19:50] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yep, definitely. We don’t overthink it. We keep it that simple. It’s the three phases. Understandability, credibility and deliverability. Brand and marketing, packaged as SEO for the machines. Walk the walk with the audience. The machines will simply replicate it.

[00:20:05] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Simple as that. The difference that we have when we’re working for our clients is we’ve got a database of 2 billion data points that allows us to identify exactly what you need to do and in what order.

Discover Valuable Resources at Kalicube and Stay Updated with Jason Barnard

[00:20:16] Seth Goldstein: Love it. So it’s kalicube.com/guides.

[00:20:21] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yes.

[00:20:21] Seth Goldstein: kalicube.com/newsletter, to get his newsletter. And it’s jasonbarnard.com to see his smiling face.

[00:20:32] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Yes, that’s exactly it.

[00:20:34] Seth Goldstein: And his red shirt. Yeah, this is brand. It’s his brand. You gotta do it, buddy. Gotta do it. Jason, this has been so much fun and this has been such a thrill. I’ve been following your journey forever.

[00:20:43] Seth Goldstein: So it’s kind of a need to kind of finally connect.

[00:20:45] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Well, thank you. Well, I’m delighted, a, that you’re following my journey and b, that we did get this chance to connect and discuss. You got the right time to discuss with me. Now that I’ve learned and realized that I’m an entrepreneur who happens to be a digital marketer, as opposed to a digital marketer who happens to be an entrepreneur.

[00:21:02] Seth Goldstein: Yeah. That’s the right way of thinking about it, is you got to think about it that way. Reverse the two and it works out so much better. Jason, thank you so much for being on. Everyone go to kalicube.com/guides or slash newsletter. Get his goodies, connect with him all over the place. He’s a great guy. Very friendly.

[00:21:20] Seth Goldstein: He won’t bite your head off. He’s very jolly.

[00:21:23] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Jolly, jolly. And you’ve got the English accent to go with it, which is delightful.

Enjoying British Accents and Their Comforting Charm

[00:21:28] Seth Goldstein: Seriously, you got that British accent. That’s amazing. I love the British accent. Honestly, my son has to go to bed. He goes to bed and goes to sleep listening to Paddington Bear on Audible with Hugh Bonneville reading it. And Hugh Bonneville has that good British accent and it allows you to sleep.

[00:21:47] The Brand SERP Guy (Jason Barnard): Okay, I’m going to try and improve mine so that I speak like this. Much more like the central, delightful Southern English people with the posh accent. Seth has gone to sleep.

[00:22:01] Seth Goldstein: Seth has gone to sleep. On that note, we’ll see everyone next week.

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[00:22:06] Narrator: That was a great show. If you’re enjoying Entrepreneur’s Enigma, please consider giving us a review in the podcast directory of your choice. Every review helps us reach new listeners. If you like Entrepreneur’s Enigma, consider the other shows on the Marketing Podcast Network at marketingpodcast.net.

[00:22:41] Seth Goldstein: Goldstein Media hopes you have enjoyed this episode.

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