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Talks and Interviews with The Brand SERP Guy ยป Conferences ยป Offline ยป Featured Snippets and Structured Data (SMX London 2019)

Featured Snippets and Structured Data (SMX London 2019)

Jason has a great podcast #SEOisAEO so you gotta just listen to it, regardless of this conference. Jason talked about how to refine and filter search snippets to show the final rankings the user will see. He talked with Garry Illieys and confirmed there is no specific algo for featured snippets. The 10 blue link are the basic for EVERYTHING, so the featured snippet should be BETTER than anything. Google has only three considerations: Understanding (Entities and knowledge graph), Credibly (EAT) and Deliverability (device, time, location, format)- make sure youโ€™re doing them right, and youโ€™ll rank.

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Conference by SMX London May 21 and 22, 2019. Speaker: Jason Barnard, founder and CEO at Kalicube.

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