Living A Mindful Desert Island Life; Jason Barnard

Living A Mindful Desert Island Life; Jason Barnard

Jason Barnard is the CEO of Kalicube, a software company that leverages Google to create future-proof brand-focused digital strategies for businesses. Jason has been touted as the one person Google…

The Rise in Brand-Led Search

The Rise in Brand-Led Search

Jason Barnard, CEO and Founder at Kalicube, joins Austine on this episode of Talks with SEOs (#TwSEOs). Jason and Austine talk about the rise in brand-led search, what marketers should…

Ep 112 – Hard Work vs. Smart Work

Ep 112 – Hard Work vs. Smart Work

“Work is work. Sin embargo, how you approach work, makes all the difference.” [00:00:00] Voice Over 1: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. Do your…