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Daily Brand SERP ยป LocalBusiness ยป Infinite Scroll on Mobile Search for Knife Warehouse’s Brand SERP

Infinite Scroll on Mobile Search for Knife Warehouse’s Brand SERP

Key Moments in episode 153 of the Daily Brand SERP series:

00:00 The Brand SERP for Knife Warehouse
00:09 Knife Warehouseโ€™s great grip on their Brand SERP
00:22 Competitors on the People Also Search For 
00:38 Practical Tip: More results to deal with in a mobile Brand SERP

Infinite Scroll on Mobile Search for Knife Warehouse’s Brand SERP

For a single query, there could be thousands or even millions of search results Google can give to a user… and all in less than a tenth of a second. Groovy, right?!

However, Google only offers six to ten organic search results on page #1 on desktop. Hmmm, more often than not, that is enough options for the user to find what are looking for.

But have you tried counting the Google search results for your mobile recently? I scrolls and scrolls and scrolls to see how long the Knife Warehouse’s Brand SERP can get!

Join me in this fun search activity ๐Ÿ˜‰ Watch until the end!

Kalicubeโ€™s #DailyBrandSERP  December 8th 2021 presented by the Brand SERP Guy, Jason Barnard.


Hi, I’m Jason Barnard. I’m the Brand SERP Guy and today, we’re looking at the Brand SERP for Knife Warehouse, which is an online knife selling store. Now as we can see, they’ve got that top spot straight away. People Also Ask below it, then we have another of their sites. So they’re actually dominating their own Brand SERP with their own sites in different countries, which is pretty cool.

But then we have People Also Search For, unfortunately they aren’t in this list, their competitors are. So if they get into the Knowledge Graph, they can potentially get their own logo onto this list and reduce the impact of these competitors sitting there. But that’s not the point today. The point today is as I scroll down, we see all of these results and the more I scroll, the more I see. The page isn’t ending.

As you can see there, we keep seeing this circle-ly thing going on, I can keep scrolling and keep scrolling and keep scrolling right down to here. Now that must be about 40 results and that means from a Brand SERP perspective or mobile, because Google is doing this multiple scrolling of the pages as we scroll idly through the Brand SERP we’re going to have to deal with more than just the first page on mobile. We’re going to have to deal with pages 1, 2, 3, 4, or in fact not pages 1, 2, 3, 4, the first 40 or so results. So Brand SERP work just got a little bit more complicated, a little bit more intricate and then a little bit longer and more difficult.

Thank you very much and I’ll see you soon.

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