Where Does Google Find Pepsi’s Nutrition Facts?
Key Moments in episode 159 of the Daily Brand SERP series:
00:00 The Brand SERP for Pepsi
00:07 Pepsi’s great Rich Elements
00:22 The Nutrition Facts pulled by Google on their site
00:41 Pepsi’s source code
00:51 Where did the displayed Nutrition facts of Pepsi on their meta description come from?
When crawling the web for information, Google likes to extract facts from structured content on pages when it can. Sometimes it finds information the user doesn’t even see.
On Pepsi’s Brand SERP, Google managed to extract some nutritional facts from their homepage and added them to the end of the snippet description. This information is a great help for the target audience who might be watching their health. Groovy!
But, when I open the site and he does not see the nutrition facts on the homepage. Strange, right? Why is Google showing this snippet when it’s not even on the homepage content?
I get to the bottom of the mystery: using the HTML source code, he finds that the nutrition facts are in structured HTML tables in product sliders that are on the homepage, but not visible to the user when the page loads! It’s sooo hard to find them as a human, but I manages to discover them anyway ???? .
Watch until the end!
Kalicube’s #DailyBrandSERP December 14th 2021 presented by the Brand SERP Guy, Jason Barnard.
Hi and welcome, I’m Jason Barnard. I’m the Brand SERP Guy and today, we’re looking at the Brand SERP for Pepsi. If we look at this Brand SERP, it’s actually pretty good. They’ve got these great Rich Elements. Look at this Twitter, Recipes, Top stories, Videos, and Related Searches.
Unfortunately it’s Coca-Cola but that’s a problem for another day. Because I want it to focus on this. Google has pulled up the Nutritional Facts about the drink and it’s pulled it up from Pepsi’s own page. And when I looked at the page, I actually couldn’t find where Google was pulling this up from because I can’t see any information they’ve got sort here. And then when I looked at the source code, I couldn’t see any schema markup at all.
I would have expected it to be from schema markup or a visible table. And then I found it, it’s here. They have a whole system of their drinks with the Nutritional Facts in a table. Difficult for me as a human to find. But obviously down here somewhere in this HTML, we have those tables. And if I’ve got a table in the source code, this is the table, these are the sets of tables.
And you can see here clearly it’s got the information and Google has managed to extract this nutritional information. And it takes me awhile to get back because their site is so complicated, this nutritional information from a table that for a user it’s pretty well hidden. Delightful. Pretty smart for Google and not totally expected for me when I was looking at this result at a glance at the start.
Thank you very much and I’ll see you soon.