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Brand SERP: What Does “Doing a Disney” Mean?

Key Moments in episode 175 of the Daily Brand SERP series:

00:00 The Brand SERP for Disney
00:11 What does “do a Disney” mean?
00:33 The Bluelinks Disney own in New York
00:55 Disney in France
01:17 Practical tip: Own every single Bluelink on your Brand SERP

Brand SERP: What Does “Doing a Disney” Mean?

Definition of “Doing a Disney” from the Kalicube Vocabulary:

A Disney /ˈdiznē/ (noun) – a type of Brand SERP that where the brand itself has full control of all the bluelinks on the first page. Characterized by links from different domains owned by the same company. A derivation from the proper noun Walt Disney Company.

Kalicube “Doing a Disney”

At Kalicube we did an experiment on the Brand SERP for Kalicube Tuesdays. We managed to “do a Disney” within a couple of weeks using the owned domains: and All the bluelinks on the SERP came from one of these four domains, and they all belong to one company – KALICUBE 😉

Disney “Doing a Disney”

In this Daily Brand SERP, Jason Barnard shows how Disney controls every single bluelink in two geolocations (the US and France)… and he explains why he named this phenomenon after Disney 😉

If you understand why control is so important to brand SERP optimisation, and you want to do a Disney too better watch until the end.

Kalicube’s #DailyBrandSERP January 18th 2022 presented by The Brand SERP Guy, Jason Barnard


Hi and welcome. I’m Jason Barnard. I’m the Brand SERP Guy and today we’re looking at the Brand SERP for Disney, because I wanted to explain what “to do a Disney” is.

Now in Brand SERP world, I talk about to do a Disney, a great deal, but I’m the only person who knows what it really means. It means to control every single Bluelink on your Brand SERP and Disney were the first company I saw who had done this. Now we start with, then, then, then, we skip over the rich elements because in to do a Disney, we don’t count anything except the Bluelinks. Skip over People Also Ask, a rich element too. Then we have, Twitter Boxes, Video Boxes, Image Boxes, and

Now, if you move over to France, Disney, do ‘do a Disney’ in France, if you search in English. Starting with, then, skip over the rich elements. And we get to and, then and and All of those belong to Disney.

So in short to do a Disney, is to own every single Bluelink on your Brand SERP and that gives you incredible control. At Kalicube, we did an experiment a few months ago and we managed to do a Disney ourselves. Screaming Frog, do a Disney without even trying. And of course, Disney do a Disney in many countries around the world.

Thank you very much and I’ll see you soon.

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